Our Plans


Dear Farm Friends,

We thank you for the prayers and words of caring and encouragement that many of you sent our way. While we truly miss Farmer Gary, we are experiencing an indescribable peace and strength that only God can give.

As you know, we have been making some big decisions for the future. We decided to continue operating the farm. Why did we make this decision? To sum it briefly, we have a heart for good food and for teaching the next generation about good food. Our underlying mission will not change.

Over the coming weeks and months, you'll see various changes. We can't announce all changes yet, because we don't even know quite how everything will come together yet! 

In the meantime, we have several "newsy" items:

  • Apple Pruning Workshop - Mark your calendars! This will be held on Saturday, March 19, from 2-4 pm at our Farm. If you're a backyard enthusiast, you'll want to attend! Limited seats available. Stay tuned for registration!

  • Just-1-week Winter Veggie Box - This is a new item we just made available in our online farm store here. We are trying to close down the cooler (to save some costs for a few months before growing season starts again). These are some of the last farm items that Farmer Gary helped harvest. We would love to share these items with you... and you'd be helping us, too!

  • Summer/Fall 2022 CSA - This year we will offer a 14-week, full share CSA beginning the last week of June. More details and sign up coming soon. Thank you for your patience!

  • Microgreen CSA - We need 3-4 more microgreen CSA members starting with April 7/9. You are welcome to sign up on a month-by-month basis or for 3-month time period. Farmer Caryl loves her microgreens, and this growing provides a green therapy these last weeks. More info here.

Thank you, everyone, for your love of local produce. We are grateful for each one of you.

Spring is coming!
The Farmer's Daughter

A Bit of Farm in Your Inbox

Our Farm to Your Table

Just-1-week Winter Veggie Box

Details here.

Pictured: Potato Mix, Carrot Mix, Onion Mix, Garlic, Concord Grape Juice, Jam/Jelly

Not Pictured: Frozen Tomato Mix, End of Season Apples, Microgreens

Optional: Apple Cider